
idwt(coeffs, wavelet, mode='symmetric', axes=None)[source]

Single-level N-dimensional inverse discrete wavelet transform (IDWT).

  • coeffs – A dict with the same structure as the output of tfmri.signal.dwt. Missing or None items will be treated as zeros.

  • wavelet

    A str or a pywt.Wavelet, or a list thereof. When passed a list, different wavelets are applied along each axis in axes.

  • mode

    A str. The padding or signal extension mode. Must be one of the values supported by tf.pad. Defaults to 'symmetric'.

  • axes

    A list of int. Axes over which to compute the DWT. Repeated elements mean the DWT will be performed multiple times along these axes. A value of None (the default) selects all axes.


A tf.Tensor containing the reconstructed signal.


ValueError – If any of the inputs is not valid.